Monday, November 06, 2006

It is a political practice and social theory based on the works of *Karl Marx*
Marxist Idelogies:
-Marx Argued:"Capitalism is based on the profit motive and that under capitalism, profits are generated by exploiting workers"
-Marx believed Capitalist society is divded into two:
>Working class/Proletariat. Who sell labour-don't own means of prodution!
>Bourgeoisie-Who own means of production and employ proletariat. [Wealthy and Petty Bourgeoisie]
Marxism and the media:
-Maintain status as it is-"Status Quo" Keep peoples position in society the same.
-"Dumbing Down" -making media texts simplier not challenging the auidences.
-Hyperdermic Needle. Drip feeding the auidence with ideologies.
-ISA' s put alongside RSA's. To maintain bourgeois ideologies:
>Religion, Education, Family, Legal and Political System, Cultural And Communication Systems.
-Hegemony-Dominace of the idelogies of the ruling class. Seen as "Common Sense" By maintaining these idelogies in the media, the ruling classes can ensure tha they retain hegemonic control.
Eisentein and montage:
-Felt the working classes struggles should be shown in films. He uses montages and feels films only helped expressed and put forward Capitalist idelogies.
-High Culture and Low Culture effect. Popular culture seen as second class, e.g. film. Whereas, not so popular culture e.g. Theatre seen as first class.


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